• Pheromones are naturally occurring substances that the fertile body excretes externally, conveying an airborne message to trigger a response from the opposite sex of the same species. Science is doing a study on insects to see if it can work in the same way with humans....

    DON'T EVER take any medications for something that isn't a proven fact and that you don't know for sure will work. It can do harm to your hormones and cause other problems. Leave well enough alone until the scientists can come up with conclusive proof that pheromones are in the human body.

  • About three months ago, I was searching for an answer for this very question. I had heard so much hype about these pheromone products that I wanted to know the truth. I'm persistent, so I did a lot of research!

    I will give you the bottom line on the scientific research to date on pheromones. In a nutshell, there are currently 2 schools of thought in the scientific community:

    1. They really don't know, scientifically speaking, due to insufficient clinical research;
    2. Pheromones in fact do "something," to "some people," but they don't really know to "what extent," nor "why" some people respond to them and others do not.

    We do know that humans have receptors capable of detecting pheromones, like most animals do. However, whether these receptors are still functional, and to what extent, is the real question. Clinical studies simply lack the technology at this time to effectively determine what is happening on a physiological level when most humans are exposed to pheromones.

    That being said, I still wanted an answer to this question myself, so I used the empirical scientific method to satisfy my curiosity, and answer a question that the scientific community does not yet have agreement on. Simply put, the empirical method is by definition, "depending upon experience or observation alone, without using scientific method or theory, esp. as in medicine."

    If you wish to read about the tests I conducted, see the Related Links.

    I must admit I was not a believer in pheromones doing much of anything prior to starting my little test. But I was wrong: pheromone products do cause a response in the opposite sex. In my evaluation the odds were actually 7 out 10 women did respond, some mildly, and other aggressively.

    Let me say this. NOT ALL PHEROMONE PRODUCTS WORK! As I found out myself, some of these products smell like cheap cologne, with a big price tag, and do NOTHING! Out of the ten pheromone products that I tried, only 4 produced the typical result that all pheromone merchants advertise! Only 4 out of 10! And of those 4, only 3 were truly noteworthy, and produced strong reactions from females around me, during my test day in which I wore all three products together.

    In short, "they cannot explain the why, or the hows," yet! But there is no way to simply discount observation, or simply "how people suddenly respond when you use the stuff!" No one has been able to explain this part of the equation away yet. Certain pheromone products clearly do "something." We may not know why, but they still do "something."



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